Company imprint

The Struwwelpeter-Museum is a public-law institution located in Frankfurt am Main.


Guarantor: Dr. Torsten Neubacher, frankfurter werkgemeinschaft e.V.

Director of the museum: Beate Zekorn-von Bebenburg

Tax number: DE114235617



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Exception: the use of images and graphics from the website of the Struwwelpeter-Museum is of course available without specific written permission to persons with scholarly or educational purposes. However, in a given scholarly or educational work, no more than five images or graphics may be used, and each must bear a visible copyright annotation reading “© Struwwelpeter Museum.” The authorization granted by this exception is not transferable to third parties, employers, publishers, etc. Any use of the content on this website marked by a different copyright annotation is not covered under the rules and authorization granted by this exception.


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Despite careful scrutiny and attempts at content control, we take no accountability for the content of other websites. For that content the operator of the respective website is solely responsible.


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